Sim Settlements Vanilla Leaders

Fallout 4 sims settlement leaders
  1. A map upgrade, extra songs on the radio, SIM settlements, some better textures, etc. Playing the game for the first time so long after it initially came out means that I was able to find out what everyone else’s biggest complaints about the vanilla game (such as settlements being pointless) were, and find the mods that addressed those issues.
  2. Today we take a look at a new and revolutionary mod, Sim Settlements totally overahauls the functionaltiy of Fallout 4 settlements. The holotape is on the one table in the room. The idea is to help you spend less time worrying about mod files, so you have more time to enjoy your modded game. ⭐ ハードカバー 写真集 風景.

I will start this review with a disclaimer: from the start, I’ve played this game with mods. None of the mods I use are game breaking, or cheat-y, but it IS fairly well modded. A map upgrade, extra songs on the radio, SIM settlements, some better textures, etc. Playing the game for the first time so long after it initially came out means that I was able to find out what everyone else’s biggest complaints about the vanilla game (such as settlements being pointless) were, and find the mods that addressed those issues. If you have, do, or will play without mods or different mods, your mileage may vary.

A - Sim Settlements includes tons of resources for anyone to add their own stuff to the mod. While this can be done without parenting to Sim Settlements, it's a ton more work and will inflate the size of their mod. By making this an ESM, other mods can set this as a Master File and make direct use of some of the objects in Sim Settlements. The tender offer is being made pursuant to an offer to purchase and a related letter of transmittal, each dated as of December 10, 2020, and notice of guaranteed delivery. The tender offer will expire at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on December 16, 2020, unless extended (the 'Expiration Time'). Settlement is expected to occur on December 17.


*Minor spoilers follow*

First, I really liked being able to see what the Fallout world was like, if in a very limited way, before the war. Sure, there have always been glimpses of what the past was like in previous games, but I enjoyed actually being there for a few minutes. Nuclear war breaks out, and you take shelter in your vault, where you and the family are cryogenically frozen. Some amount of time passes, and you are thawed out but still locked in your pod. You witness some people open your spouse’s pod, take your baby, and kill your spouse when they resist, then you are re-frozen. You eventually thaw out, and go looking for your baby/ revenge.

As soon as you leave the vault, you are free to go wherever, and do what you want. However, most people I think will likely do what I did, which is to follow the objectives… at first. So you go back to your old house, for some reason, and shockingly the kidnappers did not take your baby there. You do however run into your old housekeeping robot, who eventually directs you to a nearby town. Once you head there, you fight some raiders to help out the first faction most people run across: the Minutemen. You also get your first suit of power armor here. After this quest finishes, you find out they haven’t seen anyone with a baby (although I’m not sure why, after finding out I’ve been frozen, my character assumes that the kidnapping JUST took place and my baby is still an infant).

It’s from this point that the game really throws you into the “do whatever” frame of mind. Preston, the Minuteman suggests that you might find some information in Diamond City, while he and the other survivors are going to go establish a settlement in your old town. If you escort him, you start getting quests to upgrade the settlement, then to go help other settlements, and so forth. If you head to Diamond City, you will encounter some bad guys along the way, probably unlock some new locations, and probably get some more quests as well. Either way, the Commonwealth is now yours for the exploring.

I will NOT be writing a full review for this game for a few reasons. First, as I mentioned in the intro, my game is modded, so my experience is going to be different than anyone who doesn’t have the same exact mods. Second, and more importantly, much like Skyrim, Fallout is full of options, and it’s up to you which ones you take, and how you approach them. There are just SO many side missions, and locations out there. And each one is only as in-depth as you want it to be. Here’s an example (spoilers, again):


I took one of many optional “go help this settlement” missions, and as usual, the people in need directed me to go take out some raiders that were harassing them, who in this case were headquartered at a local mine. First, I spent a good deal of time outside of the mine, because I decided I wanted the power armor that one of the raiders was wearing. So I systematically (and stealthily) took out all of the other raiders. Then I positioned myself along his patrol route, and hid in the shadows with my stealth boy ready. Once he got to me, I activated my stealth, then followed behind him so that I could pickpocket the power core out of his suit, forcing him to exit it. This mine, by the way, is named after the company that owns it: Dunwich Borers. Haha, I chuckle to myself, because I am a Lovecraft fan.

So I enter the mine and make my way towards the raider leader for the quest. On my way, I come across a computer terminal, and after checking it out, I find out that the mining company is shady and didn’t care about safety at all. There’s also a note asking the foreman of section one to come down to section four, marked urgent. I fight my way further into the mine, and the rumbling and shaking increase. I get to section two, and there’s another terminal. Among the other files there’s a message for the foreman of section two to ALSO come to section four, urgent. Huh. Okay, I think, so the raider leader will be at station four. Except I find the raider leader at the section three terminal. And then I find a door leading to (presumably) section four, which is chained up.

At this point, I’m really curious, so I continue on. I open the door, and there is a series of blinding flashes as circuit breakers blow… some sort of power surge, I guess? The shaking and rumbling continue to increase. I find a bunch of feral ghouls in this area, and have a few moments where there are some visual… oddities. I keep seeing things, like I’m in a different place. I get to section four and… nothing. Huh. I look around, and there’s a holotape, with some vague entry about the other foremen “suspecting something”, and “our goal is almost achieved”. I pass through one last door, and some more feral ghouls attack me, but these ones are named, with the names of the foremen. And the chamber they’re in has a hole filled with highly radioactive water. I happen to have a hazmat suit, so I put it on and go for a dive. At the bottom I find a partially excavated giant face, presumably some sort of statue, and an altar (among other items) a sacrificial dagger. The story is never fully explained, or spelled out, but there was some sort of conspiracy to awaken some sort of Lovecraft-ian dark god, complete with human sacrifice and everything. Was the dark magic real? Did that explain my visions? Or was it brought on by gas or something down in the tunnels?

Sim Settlements Vanilla Leaders Vs

This is the sort of thing I ADORE from a game. Backstory and depth that are left to YOU to discover. They didn’t hide it behind super complicated or difficult tasks, I didn’t have to do anything un-intuitive to find it. Just, if I was willing to put in the time to explore, and see where the threads of a hint of a story took me, I was rewarded. This was not the only such instance. There have been several times where, if I took my time, and investigated the world around me, I found some cool stuff, which always made the world seem a little more deep, and varied, and lived in. It wasn’t always a series of emails and holotapes like in the mine… sometimes it was just how a skeletal corpse was positioned, the items I found on or near a body, a nametag, etc. The common thread though, was that if I rushed through, I missed a lot, and if I took the time and indulged my curiosity, I was rewarded.

This sort of slow, patient gameplay is not for everyone. I do not know how interesting the game would be to people that like to run through every encounter and every location. If that’s your preferred play style, then you may not get a lot out of this game. But for me, after thirty five hours, I am not even CLOSE to being done with this game (compared to the previous games I’ve reviewed where once I hit the thirty-ish hour mark I would rush towards the end because I was ready to be done). And I only have the base game, I don’t even own any of the DLC yet. This game was definitely worth my money and my time! I am stopping the official review here, but I may add more as an addendum as I progress through the main story.

Sim Settlements Vanilla Leaders List


Fallout 4 Sims Settlement Leaders

Final Update:

I managed to get eighty three hours into this game before I lost all motivation to play. And it was not a subtle, gradual thing. Every day I looked forward to playing, and I got to a point where I made a manual save so that I could pursue the ending for each faction. Choosing at random, I first did the Railroad. Once I finished that, I loaded back up at my earlier save and did the Institute. And then… I just had no desire to do any more. I tried turning it back on to do another faction, and I just sat there doing nothing. I think a large part of the problem was that nothing was challenging anymore. My character build was awesome, and I got to a point where legendary sentry bots and legendary alpha deathclaws were trivial. Master locks and computer terminals were nothing to me. Sure, I could have increased the difficulty, but artificial difficulty for difficulty’s sake does not appeal to me (which is why I could not care less about trying Cuphead).

Sim Settlements Vanilla Leaders

So I’m done, and ready to move on to the next game on my list. I had a LOT of fun with Fallout 4, much as I did with New Vegas. I would have considered this one to be money well spent even if I had paid full price for it. Considering that I got it on sale for $15, it was one hell of a steal.