Novel Bared To You Terjemahan Indonesia Pdf

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day comes the provocative masterstroke of abandon and obsession that redefined the meaning of desire and became a global phenomenon.Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness. He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day comes the provocative masterstroke of abandon and obsession that redefined the meaning of desire and became a global phenomenon.Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness.› Download Novel Bared To You Terjemahan Indonesia Pdf Novel Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia Tuesday, August 21, 2012 Wahyu Christian 23 comments Di bawah ini adalah kumpulan Novel Asing dari beberapa penulis dunia yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Novel Bared To You Terjemahan Indonesia Pdf

He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily.Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other's most private wounds and desires.The bonds of his love transformed me, even as I prayed that the torment of our pasts didn't tear us apart. Possible spoilers and definitely NSFW (unless your workplace is made of awesome).Oh, my god, you guys, this book!

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  4. Reflected In You Pdf; Novel Bared To You Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Online; From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day comes the provocative masterstroke of abandon and obsession that redefined the meaning of desire and became a global phenomenon.Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness.

Oh, my god.I went into this thinking it was going to be completely and totally lame. Another Fifty Shades of Moronic Writing. Another horrifying testament to the standards which modern writers are apparently held. And do you know what? Buuuut.for the most part, I had a good time. By laughing uncontrollably at nearly every sex scene (and believe me, there are Possible spoilers and definitely NSFW (unless your workplace is made of awesome).Oh, my god, you guys, this book! Oh, my god.I went into this thinking it was going to be completely and totally lame.

Another Fifty Shades of Moronic Writing. Another horrifying testament to the standards which modern writers are apparently held. And do you know what?

Buuuut.for the most part, I had a good time. By laughing uncontrollably at nearly every sex scene (and believe me, there are many).There isn't much of a plot, but then, I guess there doesn't really need to be since it's just smut cleverly (.snort.) disguised as literature. But fans generally defend the story, and I've gotta say, as far as stories go, it's pretty lame. I mean, come on, peeps. They're damaged, they're melodramatic, they're whiny and self-absorbed, they're like, sooo hot, and the entire 'story' is them fucking and then whining about it, and then fucking some more. When I first got started, I was terrified because I hit pretentious wordage in the second sentence:'I wasn't surprised by my roommate's emphatic pronouncement.'

The entire book goes on in a similar vein. Plus there's the added bonus of being told very inconsequential details, like what color shoes Eva's wearing, how many steps she had to climb, how often she eats yogurt to keep regular (I'm making up my own, but you get the gist). Having your eyes raped by adjectives and other useless textual diarrhea does not usually make for a highly compelling read. There is seriously a point where Eva tells the reader how in love she is with New York because it's so different from her hometown of San Diego with all the people and activity and sights and sounds (I'm really not kidding). The first quarter of the book was basically just useless info dump nonsense.Things picked up a little bit when Eva first met Gideon, only because the writing in that scene was so ludicrous.

Phrases like 'exquisite masculinity', 'magnificent maleness', 'scorching force of will'.and let's not forget such treasures as, 'I thought for a moment that he might be able to make me orgasm just by talking long enough.' And 'I looked at him in his civilized, urbane, outrageously expensive suit and thought of raw, primal, sheet-clawing fucking.' WAAAAY better than that Fifty Shades of Grey. I do get the comparison, but truly this is a MUCH better read. Simply put, this book had the polish that FSoG grossly lacked. (I read FSoG just before I read this one. Sadly, I found it disturbing and only gave it a.)The major similarities:-hero is a young (late 20's), gorgeous, brilliant zillionaire business mogul who sports non-stop erections and has sex on the brain 24/7-hero has a controlling and obsessive desire for the4.5!!

WAAAAY better than that Fifty Shades of Grey. I do get the comparison, but truly this is a MUCH better read. Simply put, this book had the polish that FSoG grossly lacked.

(I read FSoG just before I read this one. 6 stars!!!!SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING.This book was absolute perfection for me!! It had me swooning, drooling and panting over Gideon Cross and had me reading for the better part of it with the world's biggest grin on my face. It was the perfect blend of heart warming, HOTNESS, and seriously tortured Alpha hero (and heroine).The story is told from the perspective of Eva Hammel, a 24 year old girl who comes from money but wants to make it6 stars!!!!SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

AMAZING.This book was absolute perfection for me!! It had me swooning, drooling and panting over Gideon Cross and had me reading for the better part of it with the world's biggest grin on my face.

It was the perfect blend of heart warming, HOTNESS, and seriously tortured Alpha hero (and heroine).The story is told from the perspective of Eva Hammel, a 24 year old girl who comes from money but wants to make it on her own in the world. She chooses to start at the bottom and work her way to the top and gets a job in an advertising agency where she meets the guy who owns the company she works for (and pretty much everything in NYC) Gideon Cross and its just an instant connection between then. Sparks fly from the first glance. And things go from there.Gideon Cross is just pure perfection in my eyes! He is tortured, passionate, controlling, but isn't afraid to admit he f.cked up, tender, possessive, gorgeous, absolutely and utterly in LOVE with his girl. 1.5 starsHaving read and enjoyed a number of Sylvia Day’s historicals I decided to try this contemporary by her.

I picked this book up at NetGalley based on the blurb. The book sounded interesting (despite the blurb's faint purple prose), it was categorised as romance and I’ve been on the lookout for more contemporary romances.For my enjoyment of contemporary romantic fiction, there has to be at least some believability to the plot, some credibility to the characterisations. The more so for1.5 starsHaving read and enjoyed a number of Sylvia Day’s historicals I decided to try this contemporary by her.

I picked this book up at NetGalley based on the blurb. The book sounded interesting (despite the blurb's faint purple prose), it was categorised as romance and I’ve been on the lookout for more contemporary romances.For my enjoyment of contemporary romantic fiction, there has to be at least some believability to the plot, some credibility to the characterisations. The more so for contemporary fiction, otherwise we’re left with a novel closer to the fantasy genre. And this is where this novel most notably failed for me. Believability.Where are all the unattractive people?Or just the homely, plain, average people? The fat, plump, thin?


The big-eared, big-nosed, lank-haired? The neat, but plainly-dressed, the badly-dressed? The everyday people that play the secondary and tertiary roles in fiction. This novel was void of any such realistic characters.It's a given in romance that the hero is handsome.

Novel bared to you terjemahan indonesia pdf gratis

Sometimes the heroine is pretty or even beautiful. But the secondary characters here were described almost universally as pretty, good-looking, attractive, beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite.Even the extras, those usually nameless characters used to fill out the scene – waiters, receptionists, passers-by – were described in the same glowing terms. I may have possibly missed an average-looking character, but it was so over-populated by the beautiful people I wondered if NYC indeed has any ordinary-looking people at all. You rock.If this was a mistake on the part of the author, I find it hard to believe.

If this was deliberate, an attempt to ‘glamorise’ the novel with all these impossibly beautiful people, I suppose she may have succeeded. But what's wrong with having plain or unattractive people in the story? It lends an authentic feel and degree of realism. Otherwise, as here, it pushes contemporary fiction too close to fantasy.The heroThe next major departure from reality for me was in the characterisation of the hero.

This is a man who at the relatively young age of twenty-eight has taken the business world by storm. Not just a comfortably well-off, self-made man. Not just a millionaire. But a billionaire.When I look around at the business world’s billionaire tycoons all I see are sagging jowls, pot bellies and thinning hair.

In other words, older men. I realise this is fiction, but at least a passing acquaintance with reality is necessary. Why must he be so young? A man in his early 40s or even late 30s would be much more believable.A sensitive issueI read a book recently where the plot revolved around Hurricane Katrina and was asked if the author was sensitive to the plight of those who were affected. I understand the concern and share it as I too dislike when an author uses a natural disaster, a major calamity, an act of terrorism, a serious social or health issue in a way that feels exploitative.I have no problems with authors writing about these events and issues if they’re handled properly, sensitively. Afterall, these things are real.

But if it’s going to be used as part of the plot or a character's background, then I want it to be dealt with carefully and believably.Day’s ham-fisted attempt to portray a hero with a history of childhood sexual abuse was awkward, unbelievable and offensive. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse can spend years dealing with very real, very serious problems.

Often they have a number of very deep emotional, psychological, even spiritual issues. Self-worth, self-esteem has often been eroded. Usually therapy, counselling, support and sometimes even medication, are the necessary paths to a fulfilling life.

Success in careers, education and relationships, and financial independence is very, very difficult.The fact that Cross could possibly become this billionaire business tycoon at twenty-eight, negotiating through all the pain and problems of childhood sexual abuse, is beyond ridiculous.Besides the lack of realism.The romanceIf a novel is categorised as a romance that’s what I want to feel. The connection, the relationship between the hero and heroine, regardless of the setting, the number or type of sex scenes, the time period or sub-genre. And I simply didn’t feel the romance here.There was a lack of emotional connection. There was little chemistry. It lacked any romantic subtleties or affectionate nuances or sweet build-up or passionate climaxes.

The sex scenes were not overly explicit. Yet the protagonists' relationship was based strongly on a sexual connection which came off as harsh, sterile and shallow.This book relies heavily on the erotic for its appeal. With numerous, over-wrought sexual interludes, this may suit many readers.

Some may even consider Cross the ultimate silver-tongued Lothario. A bit of dirty talk in the bedroom between lovers can be wonderfully erotic. The same talk from a near-stranger comes across as creepy, ill-mannered and bizarre.But as far as romance goes, both Cross and this novel were about as romantic and charmingly glib as a fourteen year-old schoolboy sniffing around for his first conquest.Something vaguely familiarThere's something vaguely familiar about the premise of the book. A billionaire businessman with a history of childhood sexual abuse, who's into control, and a dominant.Other issuesBriefly, some of the other issues I had with this novel.There were many inconsistencies. For example, Cross is afraid of being at his parents' house, he rarely goes there.

Whatever gives him nightmares has happened at this house. Despite this, he has time at one point to stay long enough to go a couple of rounds with the heroine, regardless that he was desperate to leave. I suppose this inconsistency was overlooked so that the setup for the exhibitionist sex scenes could be played out.Because of their pasts neither indulge in anal play. The pharcyde labcabincalifornia rapidshare.

Suddenly out-of-the-blue, the heroine announces she wants it. No prior discussion, no build-up, no need of counsel, no step-by-step increments towards including this in their sexual lives. When this has been such a monumental and painful issue for them both in their pasts.The heroine who starts out independent and self-assured, seemingly loses these strengths upon meeting Cross. She stumbles around him. She's obsessed and jealous. She gushes on and on about how beautiful he is.

She comments (constantly) throughout the novel on how good he smells. While wondering how magnificent he would be in bed, she’s then appalled at his crassness, his profanity when he wants to know if she’s available for sex. Her first response is to always run away when there's a hitch with Cross. Her way of dealing with her problems is too often with alcohol.To have either the hero or heroine with a tortured past in romantic fiction is pretty standard. To have both, is stretching it.

Yet we have not just the hero and the heroine, but her best friend as well. And her mother and possibly his brother have some real emotional baggage.In conclusionOverall, I found Bared to You terribly melodramatic, unrealistic, with major lapses in character consistency. The hero was crude, crass and lacking charm.

Unoriginal, trite and using childhood sexual abuse in such a context, felt too much like trivialising an indescribably painful issue. The romance lacked subtlety. The relationship between the protagonists never seemed to develop from its superficial, sexual beginnings.Steam: 4ARC courtesy of NetGalley.

Fell short of my expectations.I really wanted to like this book. The first few chapters held promise for me. I felt as though it was well written and had good dialogue. There are terrific reviews, and I picked it up after just having finished FSOG.

Novel bared to you terjemahan indonesia pdf ke

I assumed it would be everything I was searching for in my next read but, for me, it fell short. My biggest issues were being unable to connect with Gideon at all, and I didn't find that the characters ever came alive. I never felt that the bookFell short of my expectations.I really wanted to like this book. The first few chapters held promise for me. I felt as though it was well written and had good dialogue. There are terrific reviews, and I picked it up after just having finished FSOG.

I assumed it would be everything I was searching for in my next read but, for me, it fell short. My biggest issues were being unable to connect with Gideon at all, and I didn't find that the characters ever came alive. I never felt that the book explained what made Eva so different in Gideon's eyes or why he had an immediate obsession with her. They used sex instead of talking through their horrific issues, and it seemed to fix everything and nothing at the same time.

I don't mind a steamy read - but I have to be emotionally connected to a story in order to appreciate it, and with this book, I just wasn't.I know there is a sequel, which obviously will explain more of Gideon's character, but I just hate finishing an entire book feeling as though I don't know one of the lead characters.Book Stats:▪ Genre/Category: Erotica▪ Steam Caliber: Maximum steam▪ Romance: Fairly weak and unconvincing. Insta-lust.▪ Characters: Tormented and damaged. Alpha hero.▪ Plot: Skimmed the surface of an in-depth storyline.▪ Writing: Well-written and expressive.▪ POV: First person: Heroine▪ Cliffhanger: Yes.

Left open for more story.▪ Next Installment: Follow up/continues. 5 Big Stars!This is a sophisticated, provocative, titillating, highly erotic, sexually driven read and is extremely well done. The title fits the book in more ways than one.

It not only applies to the sexual nature of the book, but how Eva and Gideon give of themselves to one each other in body, mind, heart and soul. Eva is a smart, self-assured woman who finds herself drawn to the charismatic, enigmatic Gideon.

Their relationship is initially based solely on sex, but their connection is so 5 Big Stars!This is a sophisticated, provocative, titillating, highly erotic, sexually driven read and is extremely well done. The title fits the book in more ways than one.

It not only applies to the sexual nature of the book, but how Eva and Gideon give of themselves to one each other in body, mind, heart and soul. Eva is a smart, self-assured woman who finds herself drawn to the charismatic, enigmatic Gideon.

Their relationship is initially based solely on sex, but their connection is so powerful, that they are overwhelmed with the need to be with one another. Most times their dates, rendezvous, encounterswhatever, result in some very primal raw sex. The two of them are insatiable, especially Gideon, who takes it to a level with Eva that leaves her completely undone. The scenes are quite vivid, and the feelings they exudewell WOW and WOW and WOW again!! Gideon is all about giving pleasure and then saving his for last. I was EXHAUSTED!!

The misting fan could not compete with his exuberant bouts of sex, yet, none of this ever felt dirty, but necessary for the two of them. Much of this has to do with the fact that Eva and Gideon are tormented from past trauma and this is a form of healing for them.

Reflected In You Pdf

Eva’s confides in Gideon, and he is slowly opening himself up to her.So, as the book came to its conclusion the story of Eva and Gideon did not. I was satisfied enough that I could leave them for a while, but I need to know how this all plays out, and that my friends will remain to be seenhopefully in October! In the meantime.I can't recommend this book enough, you will run the gambit of emotions while you join Eva and Gideon on their quest to find themselves and each other.This is my Gideon.I know he doesn't have blue eyes, but the rest.ahhhh!Just my thoughts on this matter!Much has been made about the comparison of and, and frankly I don’t see it. In any romance and sub-genre there are always going to be similarities, it can’t be helped, but the direction the story takes, the personality of the characters, how they are presented, and of course the writing, is what makes each of them unique. I enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey, but I loved Bared to You. There is no doubt that EL James is a gifted author, but Sylvia Day is a talented, skilled writer and has written an exceptional book. So, if I had to choose between the twoBared to You.without a doubt is my pick!!

Novel Bared To You Bahasa Indonesia Pdf Online

Because it's 50 times BETTER!Crossfire by Brandon Flowers. Hm.Bared to you centers around Eva Tramell, a twenty four year old woman who is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Eva finds it extremely hard at times to overcome this past, but she is drawn to young, billionaire Gideon Cross as soon as she meets him. It is later revealed in the book that Gideon is also a childhood sexual abuse survivor. The two must find a way to heal each other in order to move on from their pasts and establish a healthy romantic relationship.I used to love What to say? Hm.Bared to you centers around Eva Tramell, a twenty four year old woman who is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Eva finds it extremely hard at times to overcome this past, but she is drawn to young, billionaire Gideon Cross as soon as she meets him.

It is later revealed in the book that Gideon is also a childhood sexual abuse survivor. The two must find a way to heal each other in order to move on from their pasts and establish a healthy romantic relationship.I used to love reading books about hot men who are playboys, but if I'm being honest, it now bores me because this kind of story is being repeated all the time.I've read 'This Man,' 'Up in the Air,' and 'Fifty Shades of Grey,' and most of the concept in these books/series is sex, and I think after reading this book twice, I've had enough of reading erotica. I've actually had enough! Like I want something different for once! Not the same thing being repeated multiple freaking times!

(Can you tell I'm frustrated with this!?)In this book, when I saw that a sex scene was coming up, I skipped all the pages and sighed to myself saying, 'Yup, another one.' (Surely I'm not the only one who did this?)And with this's like never ending?

I thought after Entwined with was the end but I guess not,but.sigh. I don't know anymore.The men in these series really have a problem, like how many times do you need to get laid.I don't know maybe I'm just not in the mood to read this kind of genre anymore.

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day comes the provocative masterstroke of abandon and obsession that redefined the meaning of desire and became a global phenomenon.Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness. He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Day comes the provocative masterstroke of abandon and obsession that redefined the meaning of desire and became a global phenomenon.Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness.


He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily.Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other's most private wounds and desires.The bonds of his love transformed me, even as I prayed that the torment of our pasts didn't tear us apart. Possible spoilers and definitely NSFW (unless your workplace is made of awesome).Oh, my god, you guys, this book!

Oh, my god.I went into this thinking it was going to be completely and totally lame. Another Fifty Shades of Moronic Writing. Another horrifying testament to the standards which modern writers are apparently held. And do you know what? Buuuut.for the most part, I had a good time. By laughing uncontrollably at nearly every sex scene (and believe me, there are Possible spoilers and definitely NSFW (unless your workplace is made of awesome).Oh, my god, you guys, this book! Oh, my god.I went into this thinking it was going to be completely and totally lame.

Another Fifty Shades of Moronic Writing. Another horrifying testament to the standards which modern writers are apparently held. And do you know what?

Buuuut.for the most part, I had a good time. By laughing uncontrollably at nearly every sex scene (and believe me, there are many).There isn't much of a plot, but then, I guess there doesn't really need to be since it's just smut cleverly (.snort.) disguised as literature. But fans generally defend the story, and I've gotta say, as far as stories go, it's pretty lame. I mean, come on, peeps. They're damaged, they're melodramatic, they're whiny and self-absorbed, they're like, sooo hot, and the entire 'story' is them fucking and then whining about it, and then fucking some more. When I first got started, I was terrified because I hit pretentious wordage in the second sentence:'I wasn't surprised by my roommate's emphatic pronouncement.'

The entire book goes on in a similar vein. Plus there's the added bonus of being told very inconsequential details, like what color shoes Eva's wearing, how many steps she had to climb, how often she eats yogurt to keep regular (I'm making up my own, but you get the gist). Having your eyes raped by adjectives and other useless textual diarrhea does not usually make for a highly compelling read. There is seriously a point where Eva tells the reader how in love she is with New York because it's so different from her hometown of San Diego with all the people and activity and sights and sounds (I'm really not kidding). The first quarter of the book was basically just useless info dump nonsense.Things picked up a little bit when Eva first met Gideon, only because the writing in that scene was so ludicrous.

Phrases like 'exquisite masculinity', 'magnificent maleness', 'scorching force of will'.and let's not forget such treasures as, 'I thought for a moment that he might be able to make me orgasm just by talking long enough.' And 'I looked at him in his civilized, urbane, outrageously expensive suit and thought of raw, primal, sheet-clawing fucking.' WAAAAY better than that Fifty Shades of Grey. I do get the comparison, but truly this is a MUCH better read. Simply put, this book had the polish that FSoG grossly lacked. (I read FSoG just before I read this one. Sadly, I found it disturbing and only gave it a.)The major similarities:-hero is a young (late 20's), gorgeous, brilliant zillionaire business mogul who sports non-stop erections and has sex on the brain 24/7-hero has a controlling and obsessive desire for the4.5!!

WAAAAY better than that Fifty Shades of Grey. I do get the comparison, but truly this is a MUCH better read. Simply put, this book had the polish that FSoG grossly lacked.

(I read FSoG just before I read this one. 6 stars!!!!SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING.This book was absolute perfection for me!! It had me swooning, drooling and panting over Gideon Cross and had me reading for the better part of it with the world's biggest grin on my face. It was the perfect blend of heart warming, HOTNESS, and seriously tortured Alpha hero (and heroine).The story is told from the perspective of Eva Hammel, a 24 year old girl who comes from money but wants to make it6 stars!!!!SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

AMAZING.This book was absolute perfection for me!! It had me swooning, drooling and panting over Gideon Cross and had me reading for the better part of it with the world's biggest grin on my face.

It was the perfect blend of heart warming, HOTNESS, and seriously tortured Alpha hero (and heroine).The story is told from the perspective of Eva Hammel, a 24 year old girl who comes from money but wants to make it on her own in the world. She chooses to start at the bottom and work her way to the top and gets a job in an advertising agency where she meets the guy who owns the company she works for (and pretty much everything in NYC) Gideon Cross and its just an instant connection between then. Sparks fly from the first glance. And things go from there.Gideon Cross is just pure perfection in my eyes! He is tortured, passionate, controlling, but isn't afraid to admit he f.cked up, tender, possessive, gorgeous, absolutely and utterly in LOVE with his girl. 1.5 starsHaving read and enjoyed a number of Sylvia Day’s historicals I decided to try this contemporary by her.

I picked this book up at NetGalley based on the blurb. The book sounded interesting (despite the blurb's faint purple prose), it was categorised as romance and I’ve been on the lookout for more contemporary romances.For my enjoyment of contemporary romantic fiction, there has to be at least some believability to the plot, some credibility to the characterisations. The more so for1.5 starsHaving read and enjoyed a number of Sylvia Day’s historicals I decided to try this contemporary by her.

I picked this book up at NetGalley based on the blurb. The book sounded interesting (despite the blurb's faint purple prose), it was categorised as romance and I’ve been on the lookout for more contemporary romances.For my enjoyment of contemporary romantic fiction, there has to be at least some believability to the plot, some credibility to the characterisations. The more so for contemporary fiction, otherwise we’re left with a novel closer to the fantasy genre. And this is where this novel most notably failed for me. Believability.Where are all the unattractive people?Or just the homely, plain, average people? The fat, plump, thin?

The big-eared, big-nosed, lank-haired? The neat, but plainly-dressed, the badly-dressed? The everyday people that play the secondary and tertiary roles in fiction. This novel was void of any such realistic characters.It's a given in romance that the hero is handsome.

Sometimes the heroine is pretty or even beautiful. But the secondary characters here were described almost universally as pretty, good-looking, attractive, beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite.Even the extras, those usually nameless characters used to fill out the scene – waiters, receptionists, passers-by – were described in the same glowing terms. I may have possibly missed an average-looking character, but it was so over-populated by the beautiful people I wondered if NYC indeed has any ordinary-looking people at all. You rock.If this was a mistake on the part of the author, I find it hard to believe.

If this was deliberate, an attempt to ‘glamorise’ the novel with all these impossibly beautiful people, I suppose she may have succeeded. But what's wrong with having plain or unattractive people in the story? It lends an authentic feel and degree of realism. Otherwise, as here, it pushes contemporary fiction too close to fantasy.The heroThe next major departure from reality for me was in the characterisation of the hero.

This is a man who at the relatively young age of twenty-eight has taken the business world by storm. Not just a comfortably well-off, self-made man. Not just a millionaire. But a billionaire.When I look around at the business world’s billionaire tycoons all I see are sagging jowls, pot bellies and thinning hair.

In other words, older men. I realise this is fiction, but at least a passing acquaintance with reality is necessary. Why must he be so young? A man in his early 40s or even late 30s would be much more believable.A sensitive issueI read a book recently where the plot revolved around Hurricane Katrina and was asked if the author was sensitive to the plight of those who were affected. I understand the concern and share it as I too dislike when an author uses a natural disaster, a major calamity, an act of terrorism, a serious social or health issue in a way that feels exploitative.I have no problems with authors writing about these events and issues if they’re handled properly, sensitively. Afterall, these things are real.

But if it’s going to be used as part of the plot or a character's background, then I want it to be dealt with carefully and believably.Day’s ham-fisted attempt to portray a hero with a history of childhood sexual abuse was awkward, unbelievable and offensive. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse can spend years dealing with very real, very serious problems.

Often they have a number of very deep emotional, psychological, even spiritual issues. Self-worth, self-esteem has often been eroded. Usually therapy, counselling, support and sometimes even medication, are the necessary paths to a fulfilling life.

Success in careers, education and relationships, and financial independence is very, very difficult.The fact that Cross could possibly become this billionaire business tycoon at twenty-eight, negotiating through all the pain and problems of childhood sexual abuse, is beyond ridiculous.Besides the lack of realism.The romanceIf a novel is categorised as a romance that’s what I want to feel. The connection, the relationship between the hero and heroine, regardless of the setting, the number or type of sex scenes, the time period or sub-genre. And I simply didn’t feel the romance here.There was a lack of emotional connection. There was little chemistry. It lacked any romantic subtleties or affectionate nuances or sweet build-up or passionate climaxes.

The sex scenes were not overly explicit. Yet the protagonists' relationship was based strongly on a sexual connection which came off as harsh, sterile and shallow.This book relies heavily on the erotic for its appeal. With numerous, over-wrought sexual interludes, this may suit many readers.

Some may even consider Cross the ultimate silver-tongued Lothario. A bit of dirty talk in the bedroom between lovers can be wonderfully erotic. The same talk from a near-stranger comes across as creepy, ill-mannered and bizarre.But as far as romance goes, both Cross and this novel were about as romantic and charmingly glib as a fourteen year-old schoolboy sniffing around for his first conquest.Something vaguely familiarThere's something vaguely familiar about the premise of the book. A billionaire businessman with a history of childhood sexual abuse, who's into control, and a dominant.Other issuesBriefly, some of the other issues I had with this novel.There were many inconsistencies. For example, Cross is afraid of being at his parents' house, he rarely goes there.

Whatever gives him nightmares has happened at this house. Despite this, he has time at one point to stay long enough to go a couple of rounds with the heroine, regardless that he was desperate to leave. I suppose this inconsistency was overlooked so that the setup for the exhibitionist sex scenes could be played out.Because of their pasts neither indulge in anal play. The pharcyde labcabincalifornia rapidshare.

Suddenly out-of-the-blue, the heroine announces she wants it. No prior discussion, no build-up, no need of counsel, no step-by-step increments towards including this in their sexual lives. When this has been such a monumental and painful issue for them both in their pasts.The heroine who starts out independent and self-assured, seemingly loses these strengths upon meeting Cross. She stumbles around him. She's obsessed and jealous. She gushes on and on about how beautiful he is.

She comments (constantly) throughout the novel on how good he smells. While wondering how magnificent he would be in bed, she’s then appalled at his crassness, his profanity when he wants to know if she’s available for sex. Her first response is to always run away when there's a hitch with Cross. Her way of dealing with her problems is too often with alcohol.To have either the hero or heroine with a tortured past in romantic fiction is pretty standard. To have both, is stretching it.

Yet we have not just the hero and the heroine, but her best friend as well. And her mother and possibly his brother have some real emotional baggage.In conclusionOverall, I found Bared to You terribly melodramatic, unrealistic, with major lapses in character consistency. The hero was crude, crass and lacking charm.

Unoriginal, trite and using childhood sexual abuse in such a context, felt too much like trivialising an indescribably painful issue. The romance lacked subtlety. The relationship between the protagonists never seemed to develop from its superficial, sexual beginnings.Steam: 4ARC courtesy of NetGalley.

Fell short of my expectations.I really wanted to like this book. The first few chapters held promise for me. I felt as though it was well written and had good dialogue. There are terrific reviews, and I picked it up after just having finished FSOG.

I assumed it would be everything I was searching for in my next read but, for me, it fell short. My biggest issues were being unable to connect with Gideon at all, and I didn't find that the characters ever came alive. I never felt that the bookFell short of my expectations.I really wanted to like this book. The first few chapters held promise for me. I felt as though it was well written and had good dialogue. There are terrific reviews, and I picked it up after just having finished FSOG.

I assumed it would be everything I was searching for in my next read but, for me, it fell short. My biggest issues were being unable to connect with Gideon at all, and I didn't find that the characters ever came alive. I never felt that the book explained what made Eva so different in Gideon's eyes or why he had an immediate obsession with her. They used sex instead of talking through their horrific issues, and it seemed to fix everything and nothing at the same time.

I don't mind a steamy read - but I have to be emotionally connected to a story in order to appreciate it, and with this book, I just wasn't.I know there is a sequel, which obviously will explain more of Gideon's character, but I just hate finishing an entire book feeling as though I don't know one of the lead characters.Book Stats:▪ Genre/Category: Erotica▪ Steam Caliber: Maximum steam▪ Romance: Fairly weak and unconvincing. Insta-lust.▪ Characters: Tormented and damaged. Alpha hero.▪ Plot: Skimmed the surface of an in-depth storyline.▪ Writing: Well-written and expressive.▪ POV: First person: Heroine▪ Cliffhanger: Yes.

Left open for more story.▪ Next Installment: Follow up/continues. 5 Big Stars!This is a sophisticated, provocative, titillating, highly erotic, sexually driven read and is extremely well done. The title fits the book in more ways than one.

Novel Bared To You Terjemahan Indonesia Pdf English

It not only applies to the sexual nature of the book, but how Eva and Gideon give of themselves to one each other in body, mind, heart and soul. Eva is a smart, self-assured woman who finds herself drawn to the charismatic, enigmatic Gideon.

Their relationship is initially based solely on sex, but their connection is so 5 Big Stars!This is a sophisticated, provocative, titillating, highly erotic, sexually driven read and is extremely well done. The title fits the book in more ways than one.

It not only applies to the sexual nature of the book, but how Eva and Gideon give of themselves to one each other in body, mind, heart and soul. Eva is a smart, self-assured woman who finds herself drawn to the charismatic, enigmatic Gideon.

Their relationship is initially based solely on sex, but their connection is so powerful, that they are overwhelmed with the need to be with one another. Most times their dates, rendezvous, encounterswhatever, result in some very primal raw sex. The two of them are insatiable, especially Gideon, who takes it to a level with Eva that leaves her completely undone. The scenes are quite vivid, and the feelings they exudewell WOW and WOW and WOW again!! Gideon is all about giving pleasure and then saving his for last. I was EXHAUSTED!!

The misting fan could not compete with his exuberant bouts of sex, yet, none of this ever felt dirty, but necessary for the two of them. Much of this has to do with the fact that Eva and Gideon are tormented from past trauma and this is a form of healing for them.

Reflected In You Pdf

Eva’s confides in Gideon, and he is slowly opening himself up to her.So, as the book came to its conclusion the story of Eva and Gideon did not. I was satisfied enough that I could leave them for a while, but I need to know how this all plays out, and that my friends will remain to be seenhopefully in October! In the meantime.I can't recommend this book enough, you will run the gambit of emotions while you join Eva and Gideon on their quest to find themselves and each other.This is my Gideon.I know he doesn't have blue eyes, but the rest.ahhhh!Just my thoughts on this matter!Much has been made about the comparison of and, and frankly I don’t see it. In any romance and sub-genre there are always going to be similarities, it can’t be helped, but the direction the story takes, the personality of the characters, how they are presented, and of course the writing, is what makes each of them unique. I enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey, but I loved Bared to You. There is no doubt that EL James is a gifted author, but Sylvia Day is a talented, skilled writer and has written an exceptional book. So, if I had to choose between the twoBared to You.without a doubt is my pick!!

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Because it's 50 times BETTER!Crossfire by Brandon Flowers. Hm.Bared to you centers around Eva Tramell, a twenty four year old woman who is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Eva finds it extremely hard at times to overcome this past, but she is drawn to young, billionaire Gideon Cross as soon as she meets him. It is later revealed in the book that Gideon is also a childhood sexual abuse survivor. The two must find a way to heal each other in order to move on from their pasts and establish a healthy romantic relationship.I used to love What to say? Hm.Bared to you centers around Eva Tramell, a twenty four year old woman who is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Eva finds it extremely hard at times to overcome this past, but she is drawn to young, billionaire Gideon Cross as soon as she meets him.

It is later revealed in the book that Gideon is also a childhood sexual abuse survivor. The two must find a way to heal each other in order to move on from their pasts and establish a healthy romantic relationship.I used to love reading books about hot men who are playboys, but if I'm being honest, it now bores me because this kind of story is being repeated all the time.I've read 'This Man,' 'Up in the Air,' and 'Fifty Shades of Grey,' and most of the concept in these books/series is sex, and I think after reading this book twice, I've had enough of reading erotica. I've actually had enough! Like I want something different for once! Not the same thing being repeated multiple freaking times!

(Can you tell I'm frustrated with this!?)In this book, when I saw that a sex scene was coming up, I skipped all the pages and sighed to myself saying, 'Yup, another one.' (Surely I'm not the only one who did this?)And with this's like never ending?

Novel Bared To You Terjemahan Indonesia Pdf 2017

I thought after Entwined with was the end but I guess not,but.sigh. I don't know anymore.The men in these series really have a problem, like how many times do you need to get laid.I don't know maybe I'm just not in the mood to read this kind of genre anymore.